All posts in Design
Underwater Floating Hotel in Africa
This amazing multi-level hotel room floats on the Indian Ocean island of Pemba, offering a truly unique hotel experience. Read more…
Minimalistic Animals Using Negative Space
Here’s some design inspiration for the day. Artist George Bokhua created a series of animals using negative space. The complexity of simplicity at its finest: Read more…
Colorized Tattoo Parlor Image from the ’20s
The art form of colorization, adding color to black & white, sepia or monochrome images, has been more frequent as of late. Read more…
Victo Ngai Artwork
The Hong Kong born, Victoria ‘Victo’ Ngai has built an impressive resumé for herself, while living in New York. Read more…
The controversial violence returns, soon-ish
There’s big buzz around this game, and despite the release date being several months away we thought we’d share the latest album art for GTA 5. Read more…
Is Minuum the Next Big Thing?
First there was the standard QWERTY, then Swype, then Predictive (SwiftKey) and now this. Read more…